In the Ragdoll there are three variety: colourpoint, mitted and bicolor.
Ann Baker had her phylosophy on variety of Ragdoll, she condidered the mitted the finest variety, so the most "expensive"; the colourpoint was between the mitted and the bicolor and the bicolor the most "economic".
But despite the ideas of Ann the bicolor was the first variety of the Ragdoll to be recognized by the feline associations.
Here are the three variety:
COLOURPOINT: the end are darker than the body. The disqualification is the presence of spots white in the darker areas.
MITTED: it is said gloved, because he has mittens and booties white. The disqualification consist in the presence of spots dark on the mittens and the booties or the non-presence of the chin white, a big difference that distinguishes to the Birman, or the non-presence of mittens or booties.
BICOLOR: about the bicolor we must open a parenthsis because it is dibided into: true bicolor, high mitted, mid high white and high white. But every bicolor have the mask at "v" inverted white on the face.
TRUE BICOLOR: it's the true bicolor by definition, in the face is perfect the contrast between the mask at "V"inverted white and the dark areas.
HIGH MITTED: it's identical to the true bicolor, but is born from two mitted. When it's cross with a colourpoint the kittens are all mitted. To know if a Ragdoll is high mitted or true bicolor
you can do a genetic test or you can see the pedigree or you can cross he/she with a colorpoint.
MID HIGH WHITE: this variant of the Ragdoll is born from a ragdoll mitted and a ragdoll true bicolor. Aesthetically the "V" white inverted is more extensive and the white is more
extensive too. The mid high white is very helpful in breeding, but is penalized in esposition because the white is in excess and are positioned in a manner
HIGH WHITE: it's also called Van and it's born from two true bicolor. The "v" inverted and white is almost absent. The high white is helpful in breeding but it isn' t adapt to the exposition
because is almost completely white.