Why do you have to sterilize your cat?
Here are some of the main reasons for sterilize (in the case of a female) or castrate (in the case of a male) your cat. We can say that it's a decision that demonstrates the responsibility of the new parents of the kitten, as the benefits deriving from it are many, not only for themselves but also and especially for the cat.
First of all it is for protect the health of our pet.
The sterilizatione of the girls, especially if done before the first heat, greatly reduces the risk of breast, uterine and ovarian tumors, the presence of piometers (infections) and all unwanted or sometimes hysterical pregnancies. Also in the male the castration reduces the risk of prostate problems or testicular tumors.
This is explained by the fact that the sterilization / castration stops the production of sex hormones (which would only increase the risk of cancer) and it follows that the neutered cats live longer.
Another good reason to sterilize / castrate your cat is to avoid the appearance of behavioral disorders that would make it difficult to live together.
These (related to the period of heat) in females are: excessive mews (even at night and for weeks), marking the territory (even with the faeces), restlessness, tendency to escape and nervousness.
In the males are: marking the territory with urine (with a pungent smell and difficult to remove), meows, tendency to escape, decreases the appetite and lost of lots of weight.
The sterilization / castration is a simple operation, for the female (removal of the uterus and ovaries) and for the male (removal of the testicles), does not present risks, if not the minimum ones due to anesthesia and post-operative, but it's a routine operation for a vet.
You may feel anxious and maybe even a little guilty, but you have to know that it is normal and that you are making the best choice for your kitten and for you.
Always remember to ask your vet how to prepare yourself and how to prepare your kitty for the big day.
After the surgery it is good to keep it at rest so that it can get back into shape as soon as possible.
A very feared consequence of the intervention is overweight, naturally changing the hormonal balance will also change the metabolism and therefore its nutritional needs, but simply pay a little 'attention to the quantity and quality of food, or a balanced diet.